CONSIDERING the French were our allies in two world wars, why are we constantly in conflict with them in peace?

For years General de Gaulle led a campaign to keep us out of Europe and the Common Market. Then, we have their farmers and wagon drivers periodically blockading the ports, stopping our lorries and even tipping out the goods to stop our produce arriving.

Now, they object to allowing British beef into the country, despite Brussels ruling that it is safe and permissible.

I think the stand by the three Whiteheads stores in Rishton, Great Harwood and Haslingden in rejecting French goods (LET, October 14), is to be admired.

Small beer it may be, but what a pity more stores don't back up our farmers by cancelling orders from our neighbours.

We should make a stand. They have called the tune too long. It is time our government wised up and retalliated in some way.

K SOWERBUTTS (Mr), Southwood Drive, Baxenden.

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