AMERICAN police are trying to trace relatives of a former East Lancashire journalist found dead in his apartment in Dallas, Texas.

A post mortem examination found Peter Williams, 61, died of a kidney infection.

Police are not treating his death as suspicious.

A spokesman for the Dallas medical examiner's office said: "An autopsy revealed he had kidney trouble and it was an infection that got out of hand that caused his death.

"We are trying to trace his relatives to find out what they want to do with his body."

Mr Williams was discovered by police officers on Friday slumped in a chair.

Officers were alerted after a neighbour became concerned about Mr Williams. He was working as a freelance writer and lived alone.

Mr Williams worked on the Lancashire Evening Telegraph in Burnley when it was known as the Evening Star in the 1960s.

He went on to work on national newspapers and magazines before leaving England for the United States around 15 years ago.

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