A YOUTH has been sent to custody for his part in a robbery when a teenager was forced to draw out cash from bank.

Waseem Hussain, 16, and another youth threatened to kill their terrified victim during his hour-long ordeal, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Sentencing Hussain to 12 months detention, Judge David Pirie said only custody could be justified.

Hussain, of Park Road, Accrington, admitted robbery. Richard Orme, prosecuting, said last September, the 16-year-old victim was returning from a mosque in Accrington and was confronted by Hussain and his accomplice.

The defendant held out his hand for him to shake - Islamic greeting - even to strangers. The youth was pulled towards the defendant and asked for 30 pence.

He was then told he would not be hit if he handed over £10. Three pounds in coins was passed to the defendants and Hussain's accomplice then went through the victim's wallet.

He found a bank card and the teenager was taken to the cash machine and £40 withdrawn.

The defendant accepted he threatened to kill the victim. The teenager was taken back to the bank to get more cash, but the cash machine would not permit a withdrawal.

Attempts were then made to get a Halifax cash card pin number but the defendants were unable to get any money.

The victim managed to get away.

Hussain, whose accomplice is already serving a sentence of detention, told police he spent his share on slot machines.

Anthony Cross, defending, said Hussain accepted he must receive a custodial sentence.

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