A WOMAN was fighting for her life today after a five-vehicle motorway smash caused by a driver who ran off and abandoned a car in the middle lane of the M61.

Kathryn Louise Gottweiss, of Spring Meadows, Darwen, was airlifted by a police helicopter to the Royal Preston Hospital where she was put on a life support machine with serious head and multiple injuries. Her condition was today described as "critical".

The 20-year-old, a clerical team leader in invoice control at engineering firm Clive Hurley and Co, Bolton Road, Blackburn, was thrown from the front passenger seat of a Nissan Almera onto the carriageway as it was tossed around by a series of collisions at 2.35am yesterday.

Police said the driver of a Ford Granada hatchback was seen driving erratically before veering across all three lanes, crashing into cones and running off, abandoning his car across the middle lane of the carriageway.

A 36-year-old man from Eccles has since reported the vehicle stolen at Blackpool police station. He was arrested for attempting to pervert the course of justice and released on bail to attend Chorley police station on February 7.

The accident happened on the southbound carriageway near to Bolton West services. Six ambulances were called to the scene, along with the Preston Emergency Trauma Team.

The Nissan Almera, driven by David Paget, 28, of Leigh, collided with the stationary car, and the impact pushed the Ford Granada into the central crash barrier. Mr Paget managed to crawl through the broken window on the driver's door.

As he was walking round the car to help Kathryn, who celebrated her 20th birthday last week, the Nissan was struck on the side by a Ford Transit van, driven by Warren Watmough, 30, of Leigh. Police said a Volkswagen Golf then struck the Nissan, which spun round along the carriageway and collided with the Transit van. The impact caused Kathryn to be thrown from the car into the middle lane.

The Golf, driven by Anthony Halinowski, 21, of Cheetham, Manchester, then collided with the central reservation.

A Renault Megane, driven by Jack Hatfield, of Barnsley, was also involved in the accident.

The southbound carriageway was closed from junction six to eight until around 10am yesterday.

Mr Halinowski and Golf passengers James Dunn, 53, of Cheetham, and Sherie Theis, 23, of Chorlton-cum-Hardy, were taken to Chorley Hospital with facial injuries. Warren Dawn, 21, of Chorlton-cum-Hardy, also a passenger in the Golf, and Mr Paget were taken to Royal Preston Hospital suffering shock.

Kathryn's boss, Clive Hurley, said today: "Kathryn is a valued employee and we are all concerned about her."

Police are appealing for any witnesses to the accident to contact PC John Whitehead at the Motorway Patrol Unit at Charnock Richard, on 01257 791427.

Kathryn had been with her boyfriend at FJ Nichols, in Blackburn town centre, where he works as a DJ.

Her parents, Steven and Diane, and brother Anthony, 18, have been keeping a bedside vigil at the hospital.

Diane said: "It's every parent's worst nightmare and we didn't expect it with Kathryn, because she doesn't drive.

"Her injuries were made worse because she'd taken off her seat belt ready to get out. So far we know she has a broken arm and three fractured bones in her neck. She's not in a coma but has been sedated. A scan is being done today which will tell us a lot more about her injuries."

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