AN elderly couple are demanding action, claiming that yobs fired an airgun at them through their window.

Retired nurse Mr Michael Wyatt fears that he and his wife, Sylvia, may have been targeted in the attack at their home in Tintern Avenue, Whitefield, home.

The couple were watching television when the incident happened.

"I heard a crack and then the sound of people running away.

"I could not believe it when I saw the window," said Mr Wyatt. "There is a lace curtain on the window and it was dark outside. As we had the light on, whoever was on the outside would have been able to see us in the living room." It will cost £102 to replace the outer pane of glass in the window which was penetrated.

However, Mr Wyatt (55) is concerned that it was not an isolated incident and said his friend was recently shot at by three youths with an air rifle while he was working on his allotment.

He also dismissed police suggestions that the damage could have been caused by a stone. He insisted: "I am sure that this was caused by an airgun.

"You only have to look at the window to see that.

"The hole where the pellet penetrated is perfectly round and not jagged. A stone would not do that."

Inspector David Jones of Whitefield Township Police said officers were investigating the incident.

He conceded the damage to the window could have been caused by an airgun pellet but added that officers had not recovered the pellet as would be expected.

People with information are being urged to contact Insp Jones on 856 8201.

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