DARING couples are still needed to prove their love for each other by taking part in a "Leap of Love" charity abseil on Valentine's Day weekend.

The challenge is not just open to couples, as single people who are looking for love are also invited to take the plunge from Blackburn Fire Station to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Sam Turbefield, a fund-raiser for Marie Curie, said: "Blackburn Fire Station have kindly given us permission to abseil off their fire tower.

"We want a lot of people to come down to take part and raise lots of money for Marie Curie. Every £15 we raise will pay for one hour of care in the community, and all the money will be distributed in the Blackburn and Darwen area."

No experience is needed to take part and two fully qualified instructors will be on hand for the event, which is to be held on February 12.

For more details call Sam Turbefield on 01257 450555.

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