RESIDENTS in Brandlesholme have won a brand new play area for their children - if they want to help pay for it.

Town hall bosses have approved plans to build the much-needed playground at the front of Brandlesholme County Primary School.

It follows a petition signed by 216 people, and a survey showing that the area was the worst-served in the borough for play areas.

But despite being approved by councillors this week, the debate is sure to continue once the matter reaches the local area board, which is being asked to contribute to the cost.

The National Playing Fields Association recommends a target of one play area for every 500 children in the 5-15 age group. Figures show that Elton ward has the greatest need for a new play area in the borough: it has only one play area for every 921 youngsters.

The play area will be developed before the school closes in the summer and will include a range of swings and slides.

Officers say this is the best site available. It is on the main road, so it can be reached quickly and can be seen easily, which helps security.

But instead of finding all the £36,000 itself, Bury Council is asking the Bury West area board to come up with £5,000 towards the scheme, one-fifth of the board's total budget.

Tory Roy Walker, who as a Church ward councillor sits on the area board, told Tuesday's (Jan 25) executive committee that this was an abuse of power.

"We are trying to encourage residents to come up with schemes, but the executive has already decided where the £5,000 is being spent," he said. Coun Walker accused Labour of giving "a clear steer" to the area board and said this would set a precedent.

But Elton Labour councillor Andrea Hughes said the council was clearly responding to what local people wanted.

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