AT the last general election, apart from the few conspirators, no-one certainly not those voting Lib/Dem or Labour - knew of the egregious plot against true democracy (since it was hidden from the electorate) whereby Paddy Ashdown, Tony Blair, Lord Jenkins and two others were planning to fasten a coalition government on the British people without its consent. This duplicitous intention persisted after the Labour landslide but seemed less important to Napoleon Blair.

Against this monstrous species of sleaze the squalid antics of Archer, Hamilton or even the Dobson team for mayoral election in London, are trifling. Yet there has been hardly any outcry, such is the political apathy of most people. Unfortunately when people waken up to the peril it is likely to be too late; the one-party state will be in place.

Dr John Findlater

Lindeth Rd


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