I REALLY must say how simply delighted I am that £50,000 is being spent on six weeks of disruption to traffic at Bury Bridge in order to provide more lanes for those hundreds of commuters who use cycles to get around this fine borough.

Why, sometimes you just can't move for cyclists on our congested roads! I can just imagine how pleased all of our push-biking friends will be. They will be nearly as pleased as they are when jumping red lights; or cycling the wrong way up a one-way street; or knocking over pedestrians as they cycle on the pavements; or cycling on the wrong side of the road.

By the way, what plans do the council have to combat these little problems? After all, as we all know, the rules of the road seem not to apply to cyclists.

As for the new Toucan crossings which monitor the progress of pedestrians and do not change the lights until the crossing is clear - well, that's manna from heaven to bored, spotty schoolboys at rush hours, isn't it?


Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.