MORE than 5,000 extra police are up for grabs in a new government initiative, but Lancashire is aiming for just 152 more Bobbies on the beat.

"Of course we would like as many officers as possible, but there was no point in putting in a silly bid for the lion's share of the 5,000," explained the force's director of corporate services, David Brindle.

Mr Brindle, who helped put together the county's bid, added: "We took a fairly scientific approach, concentrating on crime hotspots and how we could use extra officers to solve problems - particularly house burglaries, car crime and robbery.

"We have worked out how many extra officers we would need - 152 to be phased in over three years."

Home Secretary Jack Straw recently invited all police forces to apply for a slice of cash to employ extra officers. He revealed that money for 5,000 posts is up for grabs.

Mr Brindle added: "The Force is committed to achieving its policing targets and has a sound track record.

"Crime and disorder were reduced in the county last year and Lancashire is on track to surpass its own targets this year; already we have had the biggest drop in crime in the country.

"These reductions have not come about by chance."

The Home Office will announce their decision on Force applications next Friday (Feb 4).

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