COUNCILLORS have put the brakes on Preston North End's plans to redevelop their Deepdale ground into a 30,000-seater stadium.

Members of Preston Borough Council's planning committee voted to defer the ambitious plans to rebuild the Town End and Pavilion stands after hearing that potential parking problems caused by increased attendances at North End had not been solved.

The club had said they would look into making provision for fans' cars when attendances topped 18,000.

North End currently attract around 12,000 people per game, and councillors claim parking is already a nightmare. At the planning meeting Coun Veronica Afrin said: "On match days, it is impossible to get around the area. What we have to remember is that the estate near to North End wasn't designed for a lot of cars. Planning permission cannot be given willy-nilly."

Coun Pat Whittle added: "We need to address the traffic problems before the plans can go ahead."

Coun Michael Basford said: "Parking has long been a problem on match days. We now have the ideal opportunity to solve the problem."

Council officers will discuss the issue with North End chiefs. A park and ride service running from Preston College is one option, along with improved bus services from the town centre.

It is likely a special parking condition will be attached to any future planning permission.

Councillors took the decision to defer the plans after an article in last week's Citizen was read out. It highlighted the problems faced by residents on match days.

Tony Scholes, PNE's chief executive, said: "We are more than happy to discuss the issue with anyone who contacts us."

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