MAY I appeal to those shipmates who served in 'C' Class destroyers, i.e. CA, CO, CH and CR vessels, to join our association.

The 8th Destroyer Flotilla/Squadron Association was originally limited to those who served in the 8th in the Far East from 1945 to 1963. But we are now broadening our membership and are extending a sincere invitation to those who served in sister ships.

We have a smashing reunion in Scarborough each September. The joy on a shipmate's face when he meets up again with an old comrade is always a pleasure to behold. May I add that the ladies form an important part of the association and are equally welcome.

Details and membership forms are available from me: Cliff Longfoot, Chief Pressganger, 8th Destroyer Association. Tel: 0151 226 3675.

C LONGFOOT, Graylands Road, Walton, Liverpool.

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