PUPILS and staff at Arnold School in Blackpool are no strangers to raising money for local causes and have decided that the year 2000 will be no exception.

With a number of keen cyclists among the teaching staff, it was only a matter of time before Cycle 2000 was born.

The plan is simple - one team sets off from Lands End, another from John O' Groats and they meet in Blackpool - hopefully at the same time!

The project was launched at an assembly by Elaine Fossett of the MacMillan Windmill Appeal. Event co-ordinator and head of social sciences Mike Hall was inundated by pupils who wanted to participate - to the point when he had to narrow down 200 hopefuls to just 36.

In preparation for the 100 miles a day, the team is now in intensive training, setting their sights on raising £100,000 for the Windmill Appeal. They are seeking sponsorship to help reach the target and any individual or organisation wishing to help should call 346391.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.