POLICE are appealing to anyone who may have information about a sneak theft from a 73-year-old man on Monday, January 17.

The incident happened at about 1.30pm just after the pensioner had left Bates Newsagents in Baldwin Street. Three men bumped into the pensioner as he left the shop and soon afterwards he discovered his wallet had been taken. The wallet was later recovered by the Hillside pub in Prescot minus £25 cash.

All the men are white and believed to be in their 30s. One of them had a scar on the right side of his forehead, another was 5ft 3in tall, clean shaven and was wearing an anorak and the third man was 5ft 6in to 5ft 7in tall with a broad build.

Anyone who may be able to help the police with their inquiries can contact DC Jackie Prest at St Helens on 0151 777 6064, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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