ST HELENS-born author Carole Matthews has had her third book published.

And the former Notre Dame High School pupil, whose mum and stepdad still live in the Laffak area, is hoping that 'More To Life Than This' will prove as popular as her first two novels, 'Let's Meet on Platform 8' and 'A Whiff of Scandal.'

Formerly a secretary, trained aromatherapist and TV presenter, Carole ran her own beauty salon until recently but has now quit to start writing full-time.

Her latest book, described as "a wickedly funny cocktail of wit and romance" follows the fortunes of a bored, 30-something mother with a demanding family who joins a T'ai Chi summer school with a friend to 'find herself.' Instead, she finds a new man.

Now based in Luton, Carole still comes back to St Helens regularly to visit her family, while her first book, 'Let's Meet On Platform 8', makes many references to the town, as well as drawing on her own childhood.

In addition to her novels, she has also had a short story included in a collection by best-selling authors put together by Cosmopolitan magazine. More recently, she and a writing partner, Dave Sivers, have set up a new company, Comedy Matters, and the pair have been writing sketches for Belgian stand-up comedian, Jacques Vermiere's TV show.

'MORE To Life Than This' is published by Headline and is on sale in bookshops nationwide, priced £5.99.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.