METROLINK will literally be "clamping" down on illegally parked cars.

That's the warning to commuters who park their vehicles at Bury, Radcliffe, Prestwich and Heaton Park stations.

The company says any vehicles found to be illegally parked, or occupying any unauthorised parking bays, will be clamped.

Metrolink says the action will come into force from the start of next month.

Vehicles will be clamped in the car parks, or even towed away, if they are:

Parked on yellow or hatched lines

Parked in a disabled bay without displaying the appropriate permit

Parked in an unmarked area, causing obstruction or restricting access.

Clamping will not take place in car parks without designated bays.

The clamping programme will be phased in by Metrolink on completion of essential maintenance works at the car parks.

Fred Roberts, engineering director, said: "The aim of this action is to provide the safe and efficient operation of Metrolink car parks, and to ensure maximum accessibility for our mobility impaired users."

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