HOPES of a new life in their dream house went up in smoke for a Radcliffe couple after fire badly damaged the house the day they were due to move in.

The shocked owners, Mr Geoff Norton and his wife Lynn, arrived at their new home in Higher Ainsworth Road on Wednesday (Jan 26) to see it filled with smoke.

An investigation has now been launched to establish the cause of the blaze. Arson has not been ruled out.

Mr Norton said: "We had only completed the sale the day before. We arrived in the morning to wait for our furniture to be delivered and we just saw the black smoke.

He added: "I noticed that a window on the side of the house was broken. Everything was black."

Mr Norton called the fire brigade who took only minutes to put out the fire.

Bury Station Officer John Leonard, said: "The whole house has been damaged by the smoke. We think it started in the lounge but at this stage it is too early too tell."

He added: "We have to wait for the fire investigation report and the police report as the circumstances of the fire look suspicious."

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