A RADCLIFFE couple will return to Belarus later this year for their fourth mercy mission to take vital aid to children suffering sickness, poverty and hardship.

Mr Rick Krzyworaczka (54) and his wife, Kazia (52), of Bealey Close, have been making deliveries to the struggling country in the former USSR since 1997.

They were inspired to help after learning of the country's problems from a Polish nun friend who was transferred to a convent there.

Their most recent journey took place in June last year, under the auspices of The St Vincent de Paul Conference of St Mary & St Philip Neri, Radcliffe, and with the help of the local community.

The couple are already planning another trip in September, and will be travelling in convoy with Mr Peter Sillett and his wife, Stella, of the well known Radcliffe funeral service,

To fund the trip they have planned a number of fund-raising events and the first of these is scheduled for Friday, February 25.

It will be an Irish Evening, including supper, with the popular Irish traditional group "Da' Mipherry", and it will be held at Radcliffe Borough Football Club.

On Saturday, May 20 a Polish Evening will be held at St Philips Community Centre, Radcliffe. It will feature the Polish Song & Dance troupe from Manchester called "Polonez" and will include a traditional Polish supper.

Tickets for both events can be obtained by phoning (0161) 723 1731 or (0161) 723 2383.

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