GLAZEBURY CC needs new players for their first season in the expanded Manchester Association.

After a successful three-year spell in the North West Counties League the club will start the new season in the Second Division of the competition.

Players of all standards are wanted for 1st and 2nd teams plus juniors for their U11 and U13 sides.

Chaiman Paul Warhurst said: "We are optimistic of making an early impression.

"We already have talented players but could do with strengthening our squad so we can always be sure of turning out two strong, well balanced teams.

"Coaching is available for junior players and has played a big part in their success over the last two seasons."

Indoor net practice has already started (6pm every Friday) at Lowton High.

Anyone interested in joining should call Paul Warhurst on 01925 762755. Juniors should call Peter Calvert on 01925 766482.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.