Middlesbrough Reserves 0 Blackburn Rovers Reserves 0

ROVERS reserves ground out a hard-earned point at Billingham Synthonia last night to frustrate Boro strike duo Hamilton Ricard and Alun Armstrong.

Influential midfielders Garry Flitcroft and Billy McKinlay both stepped up their comebacks by coming through a full 90 minutes.

And they provided excellent cover in front of a Rovers rearguard well marshalled by centre back Marlon Broomes.

Boro were quickly out of the blocks, forcing keeper Alan Fettis into a fine stop to thwart Armstrong. But the visitors hit back with an effort of their own on 29 minutes when Paul Forsyth capped a determind run with a shot which dipped just over the bar.

Ricard then set up Armstrong with a sublime bit of skill but his strike partner couldn't turn the ball past Fettis. And Alan Moore saw another effort blocked by the keeper as the home side stepped up the pace.

However, the best chance of the match fell to Rovers two minutes after the break when Leam Richardson brilliantly turned his marker but fired against the upright.

Flitcroft nearly capped an impressive performance with a goal midway through the half but he was foiled by ex-Burnley stopper Marlon Beresford.

Rovers: Fettis, Richardson, Murphy, Flitcroft, Hawe, Broomes, Gillespie, McKinlay, Burgess, Baldacchino, Forsyth. Subs: Corbett, Dunning, Douglas, O'Brien, Bingham.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.