A TEENAGER'S charity tribute to a friend who died has earned him one of the first awards in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales.

Omar Anayat, 15, is one of the first 150 young people to receive the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Award for Young People in ceremonies nationwide.

And he is one of only five youngsters selected to meet Education Secretary David Blunkett at the London launch of the awards next month.

Omar, a pupil of Beardwood High School, Blackburn, organised a charity football match as a tribute to his friend Mahboob Hussain, 15, who died last year in the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital after a short illness. Blackburn and Darwen businesses and people sponsored the match last October between Blackburn United Under 15s and Beardwood High, Blackburn, which raised £1,300 for the Pendlebury hospital.

Omar said he had only expected to raise about £300 and was astonished at the final total.

The school's community officer Mrs Nazmun Usman said: "We are extremely proud of his achievement, not just for the money he's raised but also for raising the profile of the hospital."

Omar is pictured with acting head teacher Alan Child, year 11 head Janet Street and Mrs Usman.

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