SMALL voluntary groups in Pendle have been offered help to bid for thousands of pounds National Lottery cash on which they have been missing out.

National Lottery Charities Board North West Regional Manager Andy Freeney has written to MP Gordon Prentice to tell him: "From our review of grants to-date, Pendle does not seem to be doing very well.

"Because of this, we have had a series of meetings with the local authority and voluntary sector to plan a community-based campaign which aims to help small groups apply for funding from us and hopefully contribute to the overall development of the voluntary sector on Pendle."

Mr Prentice said: "Voluntary groups in Pendle have been missing out on lottery cash which could breathe fresh life into the vital work they do for the community.

"I want groups to apply for the grants that are going begging.

"If local voluntary groups have a good idea and can put the cash to good use then they should apply - Pronto!"

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