GIANT rolls of artificial turf are waiting to be laid at Pendle Leisure Centre, Colne, as part of a £215,000 scheme to create an all-weather sports pitch. The recent wet weather has delayed moves to roll out the turf but contractors are still on target to have the pitch completed by the end of this month.

Pendle Council sports manager Alison Goode said: "The weather until recently has been kind to us but we're having to wait until it dries out before laying the turf, otherwise it will bubble up. Once the turf is down we will mark it out and the lighting needs a little revamping and then it will be ready for an official opening ceremony in the middle of April." The £214,745 cost of the scheme has been met by a £13,745 lottery grant from Sport England and contributions from the council and Nelson Ladies Hockey Club, which will use the sports centre as its base.

The first event on the new surface will be a hockey contest between local high schools. As well as hockey, the surface can be used for a variety of sports including netball, soccer, volleyball and the Asian game, kabbadi.

Work started on replacing the former shale surface in January.

Alison is pictured, right, with Anne Meachem and one of the rolls of artificial turf.

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