MORE than 300 people have signed a petition asking for a stretch of busy main road to be made safer.

There have been several accidents, mainly involving pedestrians, during the last few years in Newchurch Road, Stacksteads between Farholme Lane and Toll Bar.

The petition was organised by Tracey Harris and her husband, Nicky, of Brearley Street, Stacksteads.

They handed it over to Rossendale Councillor Michael McShea who is passing it on to Lancashire County Council.

Tracey and her husband, who have a two-year-old son, Matthew, want to see better lighting and a pedestrian refuge in the centre of the road.

Councillor McShea said: "I agree with them and I am also campaigning for the construction of a footpath on the north side of Newchurch Road.

"This stretch of road can be really dangerous, especially on dark, wet nights. "

John Cowpe, Rossendale engineering and planning officer has written to the County Council requesting that an accident study is carried out.

Nicky Harris and son Matthew are pictured presenting the petition to Coun McShea.

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