A SOLDIER from Pendle is taking part in an expedition in Malaysia to help scientists study virgin rainforest.

Combat engineer Andrew Bantick is using his experience in the tropical rainforest to help raise money for a charity closer to home.

Andrew, 32, whose parents Keith and Ann live in Colne, is raising cash through sponsorship for the town's Open Door drop-in centre.

He is one of 45 people, 30 of them servicemen, spending two months in Sabah, Eastern Malaysia.

They are taking part in Exercise Pelopor Finn - Malaysian for trailblazer - a project organised by the British Army's Royal Engineers.

The men are living in the rainforest and cutting a trail to allow scientists better access to the interior of the forest to study its unique flora and fauna.

Andrew, who serves with the 25th Engineering Regiment, is also helping to build towers into the forest canopy and being used as a "guinea pig" to study how people cope with the heat and humidity of the area. The team is also planning to climb nearby Mount Kinabalu which is 13,455ft high.

"The lads taking part decided to use the expedition to help charities in their hometowns," explained Ann.

"Andrew decided on Open Door because it is a local group that does good work."

Andrew was born in Colne and attended Park Primary School and then Primet High. His family moved abroad for a short time and when he returned to the area Andrew finished his studies at Park High. He went on to study a building apprenticeship at Burnley College before joining the Army in 1989.

Anyone interested in sponsoring him can get sponsorship forms from Open Door in Great George Street or by contacting the vicar of Colne, the Rev Peter Mott, on 01282 863479.

Open Door is a church-led community centre that provides help and advice to local people as well as a cafe.

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