THE average council tax bill for homes across Blackburn with Darwen has been set at just under £1,000.

The final figure was fixed at a budget meeting and people in band D properties will now have to pay £964.61 a year.

Rent for council houses will also increase by three per cent - an average of £1.49 a week.

The ruling Labour group say this year's budget represents value for money but it has been slammed by the opposition.

Conservatives say the rise is well above inflation and 15 per cent higher than the average increase for unitary authorities.

Gail Barton, deputy leader of the council and chairman of the finance sub-committee, said the budget had been designed to boost services.

She added that it has been prepared to reflect the views of the community, business ratepayers and other organisations.

Among the proposals are an extra £17.7million for the council's spending programme, funded from Government grants, loans and half a million pounds from general reserves.

The move means £7million extra for housing, £3million for local transport and highways schemes and £2million for education.

The 5.5 per cent Council Tax increase - the Band A householders' charge is £643.07 - was said to be among the lowest rises in the region. Other figures are £750 for Band B, £857 for Band C, £965 for Band D, £1,179 for Band E, £1,393 for Band F, £1,608 for Band G and £1,929 for Band H.

"Our earlier visions to transform this borough into a modern, economically viable, multi-cultural centre for East Lancashire is coming to fruition and we are now the envy of the North West," said Coun Barton.

The package of measures also includes plans to improve the borough's housing stock.

Various initiatives will be launched following talks with tenants, and work to reduce the number of empty properties to generate extras cash are also planned.

Plans for the coming year include a £100,000 redevelopment of King George's Hall, Blackburn, which involves strengthening the floor to allow the re-introduction of standing concerts.

And £100,000 has been set aside for the council's 150th anniversary next year to allow 12 months of celebrations.

Education will receive the full Government increase of 4.18 per cent.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.