A RECEPTION to honour Blackburn and Darwen's newest members of the House of Lords was held at Blackburn Town Hall last night.

Lord Patel of Blackburn and the Baroness Massey of Darwen, who were both ennobled last month, were presented with gifts at the celebration evening.

Long-serving Lord Taylor of Blackburn was there to endorse his latest colleagues in the Lords.

Deputy Mayor Coun Florence Oldfield, council leader Coun Malcolm Doherty and chief executive Phil Watson were among the guests.

Doreen Massey, who grew up in Darwen and was head girl at Darwen Grammar School, is known for her work in sex education and is editing an encyclopaedia of sex.

Adam Patel, who came to Blackburn in 1965, is a successful businessman and founder member of the Blackburn with Darwen Racial Equality Council and the Lancashire Council of Mosques.

Baroness Massey is pictured signing the visitors' book before the official reception. With her (from left) are Lord Patel, Lady Patel, Lord Taylor, Les Massey, deputy mayor Coun Florence Oldfield and deputy mayoress Anne Sharples.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.