A NEW burial ground in the Ribble Valley has been consecrated by the Bishop of Burnley, the Rt Rev Martyn Jarrett.

The ground will cater for the Parish of St Michael, Whitewell.

Phyllis Robinson, secretary of the parochial church council, said the land was given to the parish by the Duchy of Lancaster in 1952 but had not been needed then. The council put plans to develop the new ground into action two years ago when the graveyard at St Michael's began to fill up.

Mrs Robinson said: "It was going to be very expensive so it became a real community effort. We decided that we would do as much of the work ourselves as possible and put out the specialised work to contractors.

"We have had donations from local people and also great help from the Bowland Initiative with grants.

"It has been a lot of work but it has been a massive community effort."

The new ground, which will cater for around 200 burials, is on farmland which was formerly part of the garden of Whitewell School.

Among the guests at the consecration service were the Mayor and Mayoress of Ribble Valley, Coun Brian Collis and Pat Collis.

Pictured, from left, are the Rev Arthur Siddall (Vicar), Harry Richardson, John Haworth (church wardens), the Rt Rev Martyn Jarrett (Bishop of Burnley), Thomas Hoyle (Blackburn diocese registrar), Coun Brian Collis and Pat Collis.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.