CELLIST Jeremy Lamburn heralded the launch of the programme for this year's Ribchester Festival. He was joined by organisers and supporters at the mediaeval parish church of St Wilfrid's, Ribchester - the festival's main venue. The event will be opened by jazz star Humphrey Lyttelton and his band and will run from June 28 to July 2.

This year the emphasis is on youth and the new millennium. A new orchestral work for children, The First Dragon, by Mervyn Burtch, will be premiered. At the same concert former Blue Peter presenter John Leslie will narrate Peter and the Wolf. Other highlights include cellist Alice Neary, who will appear with pianist Gretel Dowdeswell, and concerts by the English Symphony Orchestra and the choir of Clare College, Cambridge. There will also be two children's dance days led by the Ludus Dance Company and a candlelit concert featuring the work of court poet Lord Rochester. Fringe events include a photographic exhibition by University of Central Lancashire students, a concert by the Longridge Band and vintage bus tours through Bowland and Pendle forests.

The festival's artistic director, Adrian Partington, who has just been appointed artistic director of the BBC National Chorus of Wales, said: "In five eventful days the Ribchester Festival offers something for everybody in this uniquely beautiful and friendly place."

To become a sponsor, ring Kate Hodkinson on 01772 782617 or Brenda Whalley on 01254 878492.

Pictured from the left are Adrian Partington, Jeremy Lamburn, festival administrator Kate Hodkinson and the vicar of St Wilfrid's, Fr John Francis, at the launch of the programme.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.