HERE we go again - good old Blackburn Council trying to spoil people's pleasure by stopping music in pubs. What a pathetic excuse - 'rewiring' and 'fireproofing.'

Is this council spokeswoman (LET, March 1) trying to tell us that most of the pubs in and around Blackburn are unsafe, then, at the moment? Why don't they tell the truth - they just don't like people to enjoy themselves.

Some of the council would like to stop people shopping at weekend if they could. I remember that Blackburn was one of the last towns (if not the last) to permit cinemas to open on Sundays.

What a weary, out-of-touch mob run our town. Get a life, the lot of you, or get out of office and let someone who can run the town.

P BROADLEY, Beechwood Drive, Blackburn.

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