I WONDER just how long Granville Broadhurst, the self-appointed personal assistant to independent Hyndburn councillor Adrian Shurmer, is going to carry on with his sycophantic hero worship of this discredited member (Letters, March 3).

Being a local councillor is about representing the people who elect you, in all areas of council activities, not just having one particular hobby horse.

The antics of this not-so-dynamic duo remind me of my younger days, when each year I would make my way to Accrington station with my parents and, like thousands of others, would catch a train for a week's holiday in Blackpool.

It was quite an occasion - a week of sand, sea, ice cream, shrimps and the Pleasure Beach. But the highlight of the holiday was a visit to the Tower Circus. The star of the show in those days was a man who wore a bowler hat, a red nose, and a loud check jacket.

He also had a personal assistant who had a white face, a tall, pointed hat and shoes that were 24ins longer than his feet. These two used to clown around, make fools of themselves with plenty of slapstick and frequently ended up with egg on their faces.

Of course, I refer to Charlie Caroli and his assistant, Paul. Oh, how Messrs Shurmer and Broadhurst remind me of those halcyon days.

JOHN FARRER, Mallard Place, Oswaldtwistle.

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