CARL Fogarty returned home from Spain today after knocking himself unconscious in a testing session fall in Spain.

The reigning World Superbikes champion also suffered shoulder ligament damage in the Valencia crash.

It was the first time Fogarty has been knocked out during his racing career.

But he today reassured fans that he would be fit to compete in the opening round in South Africa on April 2.

He lost control of the bike entering turn 10 and was forced to take to the run-off area, which failed to slow the bike down.

He said: "I don't know why the bike didn't slow down on the gravel in the run-off area.

"I decided to let go of the bike because the barriers were getting closer and closer.

"When I came round, I thought 'Where am I?' I couldn't remember exactly how I went off the track, and it's the first time in 20 years that's happened to me.

"My shoulder is sore and I'll be on the first flight home for laser treatment on damaged ligaments with Mike Pettigrew.

"I couldn't even put my socks on or comb my hair this morrning.

"Up until then the test had gone really well."

Despite the fall, Fogarty's fastest time from yesterday was not bettered by the other 25 riders in Spain for the final test session. "The improvements that I've asked to be made have been made and the bike is quicker.

"And, despite a few worries over the rear end, the bike is feeling smoother and more user-friendly.

"I'm just a bit worried that more power usually means more problems with the tyres."

Fogarty had wanted Ducati to consider using a double-sided swinging arm - the metal strut which stabilises the rear wheel - to solve the kind of tyre problems he had at Brands Hatch last year.

But the factory has insisted on new strengthened versions of the single-sided swinging arm, as this is how the bike is sold to the public.

Combined Tuesday and Wednesday times: 1 Carl Fogarty, GB (Ducati) 1m 36.162s, 2 Juan Borja, Spain (Ducati) 1m 36.365s, 3 Pier-Francesco Chili, Italy (Suzuki) 1m 36.482s, 4 Colin Edwards, USA (Castrol Honda) 1m 36.549s, 5 Akira Yanagawa, Japan (Kawasaki) 1m 36.853s, 6 Vittoriano Guareschi, Italy (Yamaha) 1m 37.258s, 7 Gregorio Lavilla, Spain (Kawasaki) 1m 37.269s, 8 Noriyuki Haga, Japan (Yamaha) 1m 37.292s, 9 Troy Corser, Australia (Aprilia) 1m 37.359s, 10 Ben Bostrom, USA (Ducati) 1m 37.409s.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.