HUNDREDS of Burnley fans will launch a Viking invasion of Wales this weekend.

They are set to raid the Racecourse Ground when Burnley take on their second division opponents Wrexham on Saturday.

It is the third fancy dress stunt to be organised for supporters, following the success of Santas to Derby County and Arabs to Coventry.

And this one has been officially backed by Burnley FC, who believe it is another way of raising the club's profile, following the signing of striker Ian Wright.

The trip has again been organised by fan Alan Boys, to help celebrate the first anniversary of his unofficial Burnley FC website and he urged fellow fans to dress up and help make a big impression at the game.

He said: "Santas and Arabs were very well received and we have decided to have another go and add a bit of fun to the promotion push. Local fancy dress shops have costumes available for hire, but if people don't want to go fully dressed as Vikings, horned helmets are also being encouraged."

He added: "We did investigate the possibility of travelling to Wrexham in our own 'longboat' via the canals, but plan instead to launch our invasion by coach.

"Let's hope that our fancy dress can also encourage the players to plunder three points in the race for first division football next season."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.