BURNLEY soldier Michael Wiggan (pictured) and other gunners were ferried on to a Mediterranean beach in high speed landing craft and stormed up the coastal cliffs under gunfire.

The "Saving Private Ryan"- style scenario was the highlight of the six-week Exercise Lion Sun in Cyprus for Lance Bombardier Michael Wiggan and his chums in the 16 Regiment Royal Artillery.

Michael, 24, known as Wiggy to his mates, took the chance to experience leadership competitions, live firing drills, escape and evasion tactics and beach landing training in preparation for an intensive five-day exercise.

It was not all work, however. During the final week the gunners enjoyed a two-day break in Israel followed by some adventurous training which included mountain biking, skiing in the Troodos mountains, snorkelling and sailing in the warm Med.

Michael said: "I enjoyed the trip to Israel. It was very interesting to see all the places from the Bible.

"On the training side, the exercise was brilliant. Getting the chance to do a beach landing was great; we don't do that sort of thing in artillery!" added Michael, whose mother Sheila lives in Burnley.

The Regiment returns to Cyprus in June for a six-month tour of duty with the UN forces patrolling the Green Line between Greek and Turkish controlled-sectors of the island.

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