THIS heated Hospital Cup semi final had more drama than an episode of ER.

And, after the first five minutes of crunching tackles and late challenges, it wouldn't take Barry Norman to figure out the plot.

First to come in with an X-rated challenge was Colne's Paul Sconce whose ugly lunge at Todmorden keeper Glyn Claxton which warranted a yellow card at least.

He escaped with nothing more than a ticking off - as did Todmorden's Darren Walters who was the main offender who prompted an eight man brawl moments later.

But, while Walters faded to nothing more than a bit part and was later substituted, villain Sconce turned hero with the opening goal of the game.

He then went on to crack a sweet right foot volley before suffering cramp, taking over the captain's arm band and leading his team to victory. It was real action hero stuff.

Supporting roles came from Paul Fildes, Mario Daniels and Steven Petty.

Winger Fildes was the game's most dangerous player in the last 20 minutes while striker Daniels deserved a goal for his boundless enthusiasm.

And Petty's excellent penalty save right on the stroke of half time, to keep out Grainger Robinson's thunderous spot kick, kept Colne in charge.

For Todmorden, giant defender Jason Mitchell found himself in the unfamiliar role of their main goal threat as he went close to equalising four times in the second half. In the end it was the fleeting cameo appearance of substitute Neil Wilkinson that sealed this blockbuster as he finished clinically in the last minute.

It was a fitting finale to a game that started off at 100 mph and didn't slow down.

Colne took the game to Todmorden from the off, relying on the pace of Sconce and Daniels to get in behind the opposition's back four.

But Todmorden - last year's runners up - were soon into their stride and Petty was forced to save from Andrew Whitham and then Mark Newham.

Just as it looked as if Todmorden were going to take control, Colne took the lead.

Richard Walton's long range free kick completely fooled Claxton only to hit the crossbar. But the loose ball fell invitingly to Sconce who thrashed the ball into the roof of the net from no more than two yards out.

Colne nearly extended their lead when first Daniels set up Martin Whittaker but his shot was blocked for a corner. And from the resulting corner, Sconce fizzed a sweet volley just over the bar. But Todmorden had the perfect opportunity to get back in the game right on half time when Nigel Hodges pushed Mick Redmond in the box but Petty pushed away Robinson's spot kick.

After the break, the pace barely dropped but the heavy conditions were beginning to take their toil.

Todmorden forced a string of corners and Mitchell saw two headers save while another was blocked and bounced agonisingly over the bar.

Colne still had the edge though and now it was Fildes who was the main source of attack. His ability to run at defenders caused all sorts of problems and better finishing would surely have brought him goal.

But just when it looked like they were going to hold on for a 1-0 win, the made sure of victory thanks to Wilkinson's well taken goal.

Colne FC now await the winners of next week's clash between Colne United and Padiham to see who they face at Turf Moor in May.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.