POLICE chiefs have overhauled the way they deal with community policing in Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale.

Officers are being made responsible for ward areas across the Pennine division in a crackdown on problems such as vandalism, juvenile nuisance and car crime.

Sergeants will be assigned wards and will be expected to liaise with community leaders and organisations to solve local problems at grassroots level.

The change from "bobbies" being given responsibility for specific beats will mean local people will always have someone as a contact point at their local police station.

The restructuring will not affect the way officers respond to emergencies and other calls that need immediate attention.

Inspector Neil Chessell, of Colne police, admitted the previous system of bobbies being responsible for a specific beat had not worked because other duties, shift working, holidays and illness meant people were rarely able to contact the officers with a problem.

"The ward-based policing system will be up and running from April although we are already implementing it," said Inspector Chessell.

"Under the new system, a sergeant will be designated to a ward in their area and they will be supported by a team of constables who will be responsible for the long-term policing of their area.

"They will be getting in touch with people and groups who have a leading role in their communities, such as councillors, schools and residents' associations, to find out what the local problems are and how they can be tackled.

"The aim is for the officers and other organisations to work closely together to come up with problem-solving ideas."

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