A FATHER-of-two who was found hanging was under investigation by police for the alleged possession of illegal material down-loaded from the internet, an inquest was told.

Bryan Woodford, 40, of The Moorings, Burnley, was found hanging in a stairwell at St Peter's car stack, Church Street, Burnley, on February 26.

The father of two girls, Mr Woodford lost his wife when she died from a brain haemorrhage as she was driving the children to school.

The inquest at Burnley heard that he appeared to be coping well, he had met another lady but the relationship appeared to be stormy.

Peter Ramsden, of Pritchard Street, Burnley, said on February 24, Mr Woodford told him he was under investigation by the police and he was quite upset. An interview with social services about the children did not go as well as he hoped and he said he was going to drown his sorrows.

Mr Woodford had left four suicide notes in a room at the Sparrow Hawk Hotel.

Police also found a half empty bottle which had contained eight paracetamol tablets, a whisky bottle which was one third empty, a long black handle bayonet type knife and an eight piece utility knife set.

PC Chris Collett said there was obvious concern that he was contemplating suicide and he was interviewed at work at GUS, Kingsway, Burnley.

He was slightly dishevelled but appeared fit and well, lucid, rational and even jovial at times. Police spoke to him for 30 minutes and PC Collett said he did not fear for his safety.

Mr Woodford booked in at another hotel, but the next morning car park staff found him hanging on the fourth floor.

CCTV camera footage showed he had gone on to the car park shortly after 7.30am about half an hour before he was found.

PC James North said Mr Woodford was subject to a police investigation for being in possession of illegal material down-loaded from the internet. A suicide note was later found in his jacket.

Pathologist Dr Abdul Al-Dawoud said the cause of death was hanging.

Recording a verdict that he killed himself while depressed, East Lancashire coroner David Smith said there was no doubt he intended to carry out his earlier threat to end his own life.

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