COUNCIL tax payers in Hyndburn are to enjoy their lowest percentage rise for several years.

Hyndburn Council has approved plans to freeze its portion of the council tax, so residents face the lowest percentage rise in East Lancashire.

The overall bill will rise by 4.5 per cent, taking demands for Band A householders to £654.

This is because the county council, whose services make up most of the bill, have increased their charge by 5.2 per cent. Lancashire Police increased its charges by 8.5 per cent.

The approved budget includes £50,000 to improve Accrington bus station and £20,000 to help attract a cinema operator to Hyndburn. Some £191,000 will go to top up the council's reserve funds.

Labour's alternative budget was defeated by one vote. Labour also proposed no rise, but wanted to provide a second dog warden and pay £105,000 towards vehicle maintenance instead of topping up balances.

What you'll pay from April: Band A £654.97; Band B £764.14; Band C £873.30; Band D £982.46; Band E £1,200.78; Band F £1,419.11; Band G £1,637.43 Band H £1,964.92.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.