ENVIRONMENT Agency investigators are appealing for witnesses to contact them following a toxic chemical scare.

Homes in the John Street area of Oswaldtwistle had to be evacuated after 26 drums containing flammable and toxic waste were found buried at Vernon Stainless Ltd.

The drums contained the chemical toluene which is a solvent with a very low flash point. The chemical can explode if it comes into contact with the smallest spark.

The incident took place on the lunchtime of Friday, February 25, between noon and 3pm.

Paul Shelton, from the Environment Agency was called out to the Vernon Stainless site, and is leading the investigation.

He said: "Thankfully we were able to act fairly quickly because we had a number of calls from concerned members of the public.

"We have spoken to people at Vernon Stainless but we would like to hear from members of the public.

"We would particularly like to speak to anyone who saw anything suspicious at the site to contact us as soon as possible.

"All calls will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence."

Hyndburn Council has launched its own inquiry into the incident.

Anyone wanting speak to Paul Shelton should ring the Environment Agency on 01925 629469.

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