A LORRY driver from Accrington who sexually assaulted two teenagers and used computers to help feed his perverted cravings has admitted a string of offences.

Bruce Beckett, 39, of Chester Street, was due to stand trial at Preston Crown Court on 16 separate charges but opted to plead guilty to eight offences.

He admitted two serious sexual assaults on a 14-year-old, taking indecent photographs of the teenager, possessing indecent material and three indecent assaults.

The long-distance lorry driver also admitted a third serious assault on a 15-year-old.

The prosecution agreed to let a number of other charges lie on the file.

Beckett was arrested after police searched his home last March.

Detectives recovered a large number of pornographic videos, including magazines and photographs.

A computer was also seized along with a large number of computer discs.

The revolting collection included paedophile and sado-masochistic images.

Beckett was arrested in Kent and brought back to East Lancashire along with his lorry.

A fingertip search of the lorry revealed a collection of pornographic polaroid pictures of the 14-year-old.

Merseyside police's specialist computer unit searched the computer and the discs and unearthed more extreme pornography, believed to have been downloaded from the internet.

Detective Sergeant Neil Hunter of Accrington CID led the inquiry and said: "It quickly became apparent that this was was an extremely serious investigation. "This was the biggest and most complex inquiry I have been involved in and was made possible thanks to the co-operation of several police forces.

"During my career as a police officer I have never seen material as disgusting and vile as the stuff we recovered.

"We have no idea how long he has been involved in abuse and for all we know there could have been other victims who have not come forward.

"This man also had the latest top of the range computer equipment.

"The young victims of this man have been left deeply traumatised by their experiences and it will take them a long time to recover. I am sure they will have to undergo counselling for a number of years."

Beckett's case was adjourned for pre-sentence reports and he was remanded in custody.

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