A PILLOW and quilt firm has got into bed with one of the biggest names in the business.

Northern Textiles, based in Burnley, has signed a five-year rolling deal to manufacture bedding under the Slumberland name.

And the firm is planning to take on new marketing and sales staff to handle the extra work.

The licensing deal was clinched after six months of discussions with the firm which has just launched a £750,000 advertising campaign.

"The timing is perfect and means we have got off to a roaring start," said Mark Richard, Northern Textiles managing director.

"We have enjoyed licensing agreements with Slumberland going back five years to produce certain products for certain markets but not all.

"This new deal gives us an excellent opportunity to emphasise the Slumberland name as a leader in the sector."

Northern Textiles is part of the French textile group headed by ex-Asda supremo Archie Norman.

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