TRAFFIC was stopped when four drums of dangerous hydrochloric acid were found rolling along one of the main roads in Burnley last night.

Three of the yellow plastic drums, each containing 40 litres, were sealed but the fourth was open and releasing vapour.

Firefighters were called to swill them down and to seal the open drum.

They were called by police who saw the drums in Colne Road near Queens Road shortly after 11pm.

Sub officer Phil Driver said: "Someone had put them to the side of the road by the time we arrived, but we blocked the road off for a short time as a precaution.

"The drums were clearly marked hydrochloric acid, which is corrosive and can cause severe damage to the eyes and skin. It also gives off a noxious vapour."

The drums were taken to Burnley fire station and efforts are being made to trace the owners.

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