BUYERS of four bungalows on a new development in Coniston Court, Burnley, will be safe in the knowledge that their homes have received the best security measures available.

The bungalows have been designed by developers Sure-Build, of Parker Lane, Burnley, who took part in early consultations with the police to discuss ways of preventing burglary, theft and damage to the houses.

Sure-Build is the latest company to receive the police award Secured-by-Design for the site and they were presented with the certificate by Chief Inspector John Massey.

Dave Ingram, managing director of the company, said: "I feel it is an initiative that benefits both the developers and the house buyers as well.

"They have confidence that the key security design features are included in the general scheme of the development and from the developer's point of view it is a key selling point."

Chief Inspector John Massey is pictured presenting the police Secured-by-Design certificate to David Ingram, managing director of Sure Build, outside the show house on the new Coniston Court development of bungalows.

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