PROPOSALS for six boundary signs in Urdu in Brierfield at a cost of up to £1,000 have been put on hold to allow a further look into the financing.

Pendle Council's Brierfield and Reedley area committee deferred a decision to allow further detailed investigations by council officers but agreed the idea in principle.

But Councillor Tonia Barton warned The town could end up with all signs in dual language which would set a precedent for other ethnic groups to want their language added.

Area committee chairman Councillor Roy Clarkson said: "We are one area committee of Pendle Council. It could well be if a decision is made on boundary signs of Brierfield that the policy committee would have a look at the implications for the rest of the borough.

"I think if we are going to do something of this nature it should not be done on a divisive ward basis but on a Pendle-wide basis.

"There are also many Urdu speakers in Nelson, in Whitefield, Bradley and Marsden wards, in Barrowford and In Colne. I think we need the ramifications of this in a proper report and a proper breakdown of costs."

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