STRIKE-THREAT cabbies were today meeting Burnley council chiefs to put their case against a proposed 15 per cent hike in licence fees.

It is hoped the meeting will head off the threat of another strike by private hire cabbies this weekend.

A town hall spokesman said the council would listen to Burnley Private Hire Association before the licensing committee makes a final decision later this month.

Meanwhile, Burnley police Sergeant Martin Selway said police had no concerns over drivers withholding services, but objected strongly when strong-arm tactics were used and offences committed.

He said extra police would be on duty at the weekend to "take firm action against anyone committing offences".

Private hire men withdrew their cars on Friday February 25 in lighting protest over the proposed fees, leaving scores of late-night clubbers and pub-goers stranded.

There were complaints that taxis from out of town were attacked when they travelled into Burnley that night.

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