ACTRESS Nicola Wheeler (pictured), who went from East Lancashire to Coronation Street, has brushed up her Shakespeare to tour some of the country's top venues.

Nicola, 25, appeared in the TV soap last year as Maxine's bridesmaid, who had an affair with Maxine's hairdresser work colleague Tom, played by Tom Wisdom, 26, whose father is Blackburn born and whose aunt still lives in the town.

But it's a career on stage that is Nicola's true vocation. She joined the Oxford Stage Company to take part in a touring production of the Bard's dark epic Troilus and Cressida, in which she plays the role of Cassandra, the prophetess of doom. The tale of violence and honour in the Trojan War was deemed so shocking that it was the only play of Shakespeare's to be banned in his lifetime.

The production has brought her back near home ground, and is running at the Opera House, Manchester, until Saturday.

Nicola, 25, was born in Burnley and brought up in Nelson. She attended Bradley Junior and Walton High schools, Nelson, before studying drama and A-levels at Blackpool and Fylde College. She went to drama school in London and into the theatre.

"I always enjoyed drama at school," said Nicola.

"I made a decision that I wanted to do it professionally when I was 16. Up until then I wanted to be a lawyer.

"TV work pays well but I enjoy being on stage more."

As well as Coronation Street, Nicola has also appeared in Band of Gold and Poldark.

Nicola lives in London but her dad, Robert Palmer, still lives in Nelson.

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