A WORRIED mother says she has given up hope of ever finding a Darwen doctor for her baby daughter, after claiming she has been turned away from all the town's surgeries.

Sarah Taylor, 22, moved from Intack, Blackburn, to Park Road, Darwen, in October with her partner Andrew Campbell, 23.

Since Jade was born two months ago, the couple have been trying to find her a doctor closer to home.

"I had problems during my pregnancy, so I was going to the doctors in Blackburn quite often. When Jade was born I decided it would be much more convenient to change over doctors," explained Sarah.

"I couldn't believe it when every single one said they were not taking on any more patients. There were at least 14 at Darwen Health Centre, but I was turned away from them all. We don't drive, so it means catching buses or paying for a taxi when Jade needs to see her doctor.

"I'm not bothered about changing myself, but I think its important to have a doctor close by for Jade. I've given up hope of ever finding one."

Lancashire and South Cumbria Agency, which acts on behalf of East Lancashire Health Authority, confirmed they were aware of the case.

Verification services manager Susan Lovett, said: "We are not aware of any particular problem in Darwen. In line with our allocation procedure, we would advise this lady to write to us with her name, address, signature and details of the problem.

"Within 48 hours, she will be notified of a doctor who will provide her with general medical services."

Sarah is pictured with her two-months-old baby, Jade.

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