THE MEP Chris Davies may like to read again his letter published in the Citizen on March 30.

On reflection he may recognise that treating many, probably the majority, of his 'constituents' with such contempt is one of the reasons why so many of us loathe the political monster that is the European Union.

He condemns we who oppose membership of the failing Euro stating that we 'ignore the realities of the global economy'. It is precisely because we see the future in trading with the whole world that we are not eurocentric like Mr Davies, who wants to retreat into his Euro fort and put up barriers to the rest of the world.

In response to Mr Davies's truly offensive comment, that those opposed to the Euro have a 'hatred of foreigners', I can only say that I have worked, and travelled, throughout Europe. Each was a real job, not the tax-payer fuelled gravy train that Mr Davies is temporarily occupying, and I made some excellent 'foreign' friends during that time.

The one big belief that it's final demise is inevitable, the only question is when. We do not hate 'foreigners', Mr Davies, just the morally and financially corrupt political structure that you represent.

Perhaps Mr Davies will one day understand why such a tiny minority of the electorate voted for him, that will also be the day when he leaves behind his bigotry and joins the real world.

Cllr Gregg Beaman


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