BLACKBURN Rovers boss Graeme Souness today revealed there will not be a major clear out in the summer -- whether or not Rovers go up.

After a season of underachievement so far, Souness was expected to wield the axe in the summer with some big-money signings expected to pay the price.

But the former Scotland international has been impressed by the attitude and commitment of the squad since he was installed as boss four games ago.

And, as Rovers prepared for today's crunch promotion showdown with Wolves at Molineux, Souness has delivered a huge vote of confidence by revealing he isn't planning sweeping changes in the summer.

"As I've said from day one, I don't think we need to make major changes.

"And I certainly would not describe it as a rebuilding job," said Souness.

"I will have my ideas about several things and, hopefully, come the end of the season, we won't need to make major changes.

"It's inevitable I will make one or two.

"But I think we have a good bunch of lads here already. My job between now and May is to get as many points on the board as possible.

"But the second most important thing is see as much of each player as I possibly can. And that's what I aim to do."

After taking 10 points from his first four games in charge, Souness is delighted by the way the players have responded. But he has warned them about complacency, even though the confidence is starting to flow back.

"The big danger now is we start to think we are a good team and don't work as hard as we have been doing," said Souness.

"That's what we will be reminding the players before they go out today.

"The reason they have won the last few games is because they have worked harder than the teams they have been up against.

"If you win the battle first then your football will come through eventually.

"And the biggest and most pleasing thing for me so far has been the amount of work the players have been willing to do." Earlier in the season, fans accused the players of lacking passion for the cause.

But that also seems to have returned under Souness and the Ewood chief has emphasised that is the least he demands.

"I want them to play with aggression and I want them to play with passion because, unless you've got that, then you have no chance in football," said Souness.

"The players have maybe felt sorry for themselves on occasions this year. But they are good enough and they should be higher in the league than they are.

"No matter what business you are in, though, you are going to get knocks.

"And it's how you respond to them which determines whether or not you are a man or a mouse."

One player who seems to sum up that fighting spirit is midfield hard-man Lee Carsley. Rovers' leading scorer has been out of action with a broken foot for the last two months. But he has vowed to play through the pain barrier until the end of the season after successfully completing his second successive reserve game this week.

And Souness has wasted little time in bringing him back into the fold by naming him in this afternoon's squad.

"Lee Carsley is my type of player.

"He has a go and it's all about the team first. And I think the team have probably missed him whilst he has been out," said the Ewood chief.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.