SWIMMING enthusiasts are being encouraged to take the plunge for charity.

Darwen Lions and Darwen Masters Swimming Club are staging a sponsored swimathon at Darwen Leisure Centre on Monday, May 1.

It is being supported by the Lancashire Evening Telegraph and 60 per cent of the proceeds will go the Darwen Lions Club millennium project -- The East Lancashire Hospice Appeal. The rest will go to a charity of the swimmers' choice. Darwen Lions president Ian Ashton, said: "We are challenging people to help raise more than £5,000 by taking part in the event."

Teams of six swimmers and a non-swimming captain or individuals are invited and it is open to everyone. Organisers are urging local firms, schools, pubs and voluntary organisations to take part.

Each team will swim in relay for 50 minutes, with each swimmer taking turns to swim two lengths of the pool.

Sponsorship forms are available by ringing 01254 703666. and the winning teams will be those who collect the most cash for the appeal and pay it into the bank by the due date -- Monday, June 5.

The closing date for Applications is April 20.

If you want to help the East Lancashire Hospice appeal, call the appeals office on 01254 660900 or Amy Binns at the Lancashire Evening Telegraph on 01254 678678 ext 208.

Donations can be made at any Natwest branch into the East Lancashire Hospice Fund Day Care Unit Appeal account, sort code 01-00-85 a/c 12804509.

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